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Five Symptoms That Can be Addressed by a Urologist

Five Symptoms That Can be Addressed by a Urologist


A urologist is a medical professional capable of addressing problems in the urinary tract function and anatomy. They are knowledgeable professionals who can address the most intricate of problems, but not everyone knows when to see a urologist. Here are some of the symptoms that should be followed up by a urologist immediately.

Irregular Urine Frequency

There can be instances of individuals experiencing abnormally frequent urges of urination. It could be linked to urine infection problems or prostate enlargement and needs treatment immediately. A simple urine test and treatment by Dr. Biswajit Dutta, MS, MCh from Mahabir Doctor’s Hub can address such problems very effectively.

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal pain or pain while toilet can be linked to a number of urology-related problems. If you are unable to urinate painlessly or feel pain when urinating, you need to seek medical assistance immediately to check for infections or other medical conditions.


Male infertility can be caused due to problems in the urinary tract and the male reproductive tract. Men experiencing infertility issues can seek expert opinions of urologists to work our solutions to sexual problems. Infertility can also be caused by female urine problems, and women who are suffering from infertility should consult a professional urologist as well.

Inability to Urinate

The inability to urinate is seen in both genders and it is a major female urology problem as calcium deposits can block the ureters or the urethra. Patients can experience reduced or stopped urine which can cause physical discomfort. Early treatment can alleviate discomfort and send patients on the path to recovery.

Prostate or Bladder Cancer

An expert urologist like Dr. Biswajit Dutta, MS, MCh can identify symptoms of prostate or bladder cancer and offer medical assistance. It is important to consult a urologist whenever patients notice symptoms to have urology issues addressed immediately.

Mahabir Doctor’s Hub is fully equipped to deal with urology problems and help you seek the right treatment immediately. Dr. Biswajit Dutta, MS, MCh and our team of professionals are always there to help you recover from any urology issues you may be facing.

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